Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Still on the lip plumping...

I have been doing a bit of research on lip plumping products. There are of course many different lip pluming products on the market, incl. the wonderful lip fusion that I wrote about in one of my previous posts.

If you've ever used any of these lip plumping products, you would have realised that most of them contain either Cinnamon, Clove, Cayenne pepper or a combination of these spices. I decided to do a bit of research on "home remedies" for plumper lips.

I came across a lot of different tips: From, rubbing you lips with a wet cloth, scrubbing them with sugar and even recipes for making your own plumping lip balm by just mixing cinnamon, cayenne pepper into a bit of Vaseline.

I've decided to go with the easier suggestion of just rubbing clove oil onto your lips. I bought a small 10ml Clove bud essential oil from a pharmacy for approx $3.

Be WARNED though...in this case it is really painful to be beautiful!

Yes, it actually does work. So, for those of you with a high pain threshold, no taste buds (because it really tastes vile) go ahead and try it. It will definitely give you fuller lips.

So, if you are brave enough to try it, I would advise you to wait about 30 minutes for the oil to be absorbed, before you drink or eat anything and especially before you kiss anyone. Most men generally don't like to kiss us with stuff on our lips. So your man will definitely not appreciate a kiss that leaves him with a bad taste in his mouth and stinging lips.

Next I will try mix up my own lip balm, so watch this space for a post on that.

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